So at Christmas I asked for wool dryer balls. (Let someone else figure out which ones to buy!) And lo and behold, I received some! A six pack! Yay! Now my cousin's wife had also mentioned using Essential Oils to add an all natural scent to your laundry. That sounded like a great idea! I remember seeing Essential Oils as some of the natural food stores. Surely I could pick something up there to scent my new dryer balls. I added it to my grocery list... And NEVER bought any! What scent would I use? Would I like it? Overwhelmed again. But I was using my dryer balls and had eliminated the dryer sheets! I was making progress.
A friend from high school was using Essential Oils and was posting about them on Facebook and I was reading her posts and was impressed with how well she and her family responded to the use of the oils. But I still didn't understand what Essential Oils were or why they were so "essential" so I never researched them. Until one day I decided to reach out to my high school friend, my cousin's wife and my wonderful friend (who gifted me the wool dryer balls) - all who use essential oils! After a few quick e-mails and a couple nights of research, I was SCRAMBLING to get myself a Young Living Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit! I was a bit irritated with myself for not researching them sooner! These essential oils sounded so useful and I wondered why more people were not proclaiming their greatness! I'm making it a priority to make sure people know what Essential Oils are and how they can use them simply and easily in their lives!
What was the first thing that I did when I received my Premium Starter Kit??? You guessed it! Added some drops to my wool dryer balls! I had 11 different and wonderful scents to choose from. After smelling them all, I decided that for most loads of laundry, I liked to use Purification Essential Oil. It has a great fresh scent! Occasionally I'll use Lavender Essential Oil, especially if the load is mostly my children's clothes or blankets. Lavender has such a nice relaxing scent, just what you need at bedtime.

Here is what I do:
I keep all 6 wool balls in my dryer. (Occasionally one or two get lost in a shirt or sheet until I fold it.) I'll put 1-2 drops of one type of Essential Oil on 3 of the wool balls. Then I run the dryer as normal. Every few loads I'll reapply the oils. Easy!
Now why did it take me a year or more to get to this point??? Hopefully it won't take you that long! Just follow my links to my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages and get started using Young Living Essential Oils right away. You won't be disappointed!