Thursday, June 30, 2016

Chemical Free - Oops! I forgot about the laundry!!!

Has this ever happened to you???
Oops!!! I was doing laundry & many other things all at the same time... So naturally I forgot to start the dryer but didn't realize it until about 24 hrs later 😳. I didn't have time to re-wash! I already had the next load in the washer and needed those items that were supposed to be dried 😱.
So... How about 6 drops of Purification Essential Oil on my wool dryer balls??? 💦💦 Worked great! Odors be gone! 💥Purification doesn't just cover up or mask the smell, it removes it! Now my laundry smells so fresh & so clean clean!!! 🌱🌷☀️

Purification is a Young Living trademarked blend of Citronella, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Tea Tree, Lavadin & Myrtle essential oils. I've also used it to spot treat blemishes on my face & it's a key ingredient in my Nuisance No More Spray (think insects). It may also be used to help support ear health!
This is one oil I cannot live without!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Monday, June 27, 2016

FOOD!!! - U-Pick Season! Strawberries!

Apparently it is U-Pick Strawberry season!!! We've never been strawberry picking before but decided to go last minute since friends were going! Beautiful morning for it!

Decided not to go too far overboard our first time. Need to make sure I am going to use/freeze what I picked so far! But thinking about maybe going back next week for more if all goes well with this first batch!
Of course I'm cleaning them in my lemon water to get all the gunk off! No, they aren't organic, but the Lemon Oil will help remove the residue so I don't have to feel like I'm feeding my kids too many gross chemicals! And that makes me feel awesome!!!

View my post with more details on how I clean my fruits and veggies with Lemon Essential Oil HERE!

Young Living also has created the Thieves Fruit & Veggie Spray and the Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak!  I still need to try these products and will update you when I have done so! From what I've heard, it is amazing!!!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Weekend Oily Tip! - Waking Up Early...

It happens to all of us occasionally.  Your children wake up WAY earlier than you want them to.  They don't care that it's the weekend! I have found some all natural products to help you get going and stay going through the day even though you didn't get the sleep you desired.

1.  NingXia Red - I like taking a shot (1-2 oz) of NingXia Red when I get up in the morning (or as soon as I remember and have a chance!).  Young Living states that, "NingXia Red is a whole-body nutrient infusion featuring wolfberry puree, superfruit extracts and citrus essential oils.  Its balanced ingredients will energize, fortify and revitalize the body from head to toe!"  When taken regularly, NingXia Red may help prevent against oxidative stress and it may support normal cellular function and eye health.  It's great for all ages!  My kids love it!  I even made ice pops out of NingXia Red!  I'll have to post about that soon.  Talk about a healthy summer treat!

2.  Essential Oils - Once I have a chance to change out of my pajamas, I roll on my Get Up & Go combo of Young Living Essential Oils.  My customized blend is quite invigorating and uses, Orange Essential Oil, Wintergreen Essential Oil and YL's trademarked blend En-R-Gee Essential Oil topped with a carrier oil (I have been using Castor Oil a lot lately).  I apply this combo along the Triple Warmer Meridian, on the Chakras and Organ Reflex and on the Neurovascular and Vitaflex Points for the Thyroid, Pituitary and Adrenal Glands.  Supporting the Thyroid, Pituitary and Adrenal Glands may help to give you the energy you need too!  Depending on the type of day it is, I may apply more than once.  Sometimes I use my Get Up & Go roller 2-3 times throughout the day!

3.  NingXia Nitro - When I'm starting to feel that afternoon slump, or shortly before, I'll have a tube of NingXia Nitro.  Its convenient size makes it great for on the go!  YL states, "Formulated with an exclusive blend of pure essential oils, botanical extracts, and Bioenergy D-Ribose, NingXia Nitro is a great support for body and mind. Naturally occurring caffeine helps increase athletic performance and endurance, boosts energy and provides a daily pick-me up."  This is such a better alternative to chemical & sugar laden energy drinks.  And this works too!  If drinking it straight from the tube is a bit awkward, it can be added to orange juice, or just squeezed into a small glass.

So give these a try the next time your kids force you out of bed before you're ready!  Let me know what you think!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Chemical Free - Boating Season Tips and Tricks 1!!!

Who's planning on boating this summer???  I know we are!!!  4th of July will be here soon!!!  Is YOUR boat ready???
Does anyone still need to clean their boat up from being in storage or sitting for quite a few months??? Or is it already a mess from using it so much this season??? If so, or if you just want to find a great, effective way to keep your boat looking amazing, keep reading!!!
Do you hate dealing with mildew & grime build up on the vinyl interior of your boat??? Did it happen over the winter while it was in storage? Does it build up over the course of the season? Don't you just want it to go away???
WOW!!! Look at these before and after pics of the interior of our fairly well maintained 2003 196 Ski Nautique!!! I used my Scrub a Dub Dub Cleaning Scrub that I made myself in conjunction with my Clean Everything Spray! It took some muscle and time, but it was sooo worth it!!! Bye Bye black mildew stains that we couldn't remove with other typical vinyl cleaning products! Hello shiny & vibrant brand new looking interior!!! This does not look 13 years old!!!
Oh and did I mention that I didn't have to deal with chemical fumes or feeling concerned that the kids wanted to help me? I was a happy cleaner & mom!
Seriously, I am so So SO impressed that I am totally willing to help my fellow boating friends out. And I know that there are a lot of you! Want to know more? Send me a message.
I'm going to be putting together some other tips for boaters as I experiment this summer. Like how to maintain such clean vinyl & how to keep pesky spiders & other unwanted guests out of your boat & more! So keep your eye out more!

(Previously I posted about using Thieves Household Cleaner and I highlighted the ingredients.  Check out THIS post.)

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.