Thursday, December 15, 2016

Chemical Free - Everything Cream!

Making the Everything Cream!

For about 1/2 cup (which lasts a long time) find a small 1/2 cup - 1 cup sized jar or storage container and use about 1/2 cup of organic, unrefined, cold pressed coconut oil and about 10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil. Mix ingredients together in a bowl and place in your jar & use!

Watch just how easy it is to make!  If I wasn't talking so much, it would be even quicker!

Some of the ways that I use this Everything Cream is for sunburnt skin, shaving cream, baby butts, moisturizing, calming, make up remover, underarm freshener, soothing chest, back and foot rub and even toothpaste!

When in doubt - use it!  You won't be disappointed!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Weekend Oily Tip - Making Roller Balls!

Making roller balls!

Specifically, one of my personal favorites, it supports your sinuses & digestive system!

In a 5ml bottle, I use 10-20 drops of DiGize Essential Oil and top the bottle off with a liquid carrier. Pop a roller fitment on & start using!  

Be sure to watch the video below for where I apply this roller ball blend & other useful info!

You can make so many different roller ball blends. You can make them for energy, focus, calming, wellness, muscles and joins, enhancing workouts, balancing emotions of all kinds, and more!  

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chemical Free - Foaming Hand/Face/Body Wash!

Making a foaming hand soap/face wash/body wash!

This is such a great way to monitor the chemicals coming into contact with the largest organ on your body - the skin!  

Use an 8oz foaming pump container
1/4 - 1/3 cup of Castile Soap
1 tablespoon vegetable glycerin
1 tablespoon grapeseed oil (or your favorite carrier oil)
15 drops of the essential oils of your choice
Top off with tap water
Shake before each use

Buy some foaming pump containers and a few simple ingredients and replace your old hand soaps today!  Put one at each sink.  Bonus - if you want to wash your face quickly, just use the same soap!  Not too harsh either!  And bring it with you in the shower too for your very own body wash!  Switch up the essential oils to target different conditions - dry hands, blemishes, cleanliness and even just wanting a new scent!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Chemical Free - Oops! I forgot about the laundry!!!

Has this ever happened to you???
Oops!!! I was doing laundry & many other things all at the same time... So naturally I forgot to start the dryer but didn't realize it until about 24 hrs later 😳. I didn't have time to re-wash! I already had the next load in the washer and needed those items that were supposed to be dried 😱.
So... How about 6 drops of Purification Essential Oil on my wool dryer balls??? 💦💦 Worked great! Odors be gone! 💥Purification doesn't just cover up or mask the smell, it removes it! Now my laundry smells so fresh & so clean clean!!! 🌱🌷☀️

Purification is a Young Living trademarked blend of Citronella, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Tea Tree, Lavadin & Myrtle essential oils. I've also used it to spot treat blemishes on my face & it's a key ingredient in my Nuisance No More Spray (think insects). It may also be used to help support ear health!
This is one oil I cannot live without!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Monday, June 27, 2016

FOOD!!! - U-Pick Season! Strawberries!

Apparently it is U-Pick Strawberry season!!! We've never been strawberry picking before but decided to go last minute since friends were going! Beautiful morning for it!

Decided not to go too far overboard our first time. Need to make sure I am going to use/freeze what I picked so far! But thinking about maybe going back next week for more if all goes well with this first batch!
Of course I'm cleaning them in my lemon water to get all the gunk off! No, they aren't organic, but the Lemon Oil will help remove the residue so I don't have to feel like I'm feeding my kids too many gross chemicals! And that makes me feel awesome!!!

View my post with more details on how I clean my fruits and veggies with Lemon Essential Oil HERE!

Young Living also has created the Thieves Fruit & Veggie Spray and the Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak!  I still need to try these products and will update you when I have done so! From what I've heard, it is amazing!!!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Weekend Oily Tip! - Waking Up Early...

It happens to all of us occasionally.  Your children wake up WAY earlier than you want them to.  They don't care that it's the weekend! I have found some all natural products to help you get going and stay going through the day even though you didn't get the sleep you desired.

1.  NingXia Red - I like taking a shot (1-2 oz) of NingXia Red when I get up in the morning (or as soon as I remember and have a chance!).  Young Living states that, "NingXia Red is a whole-body nutrient infusion featuring wolfberry puree, superfruit extracts and citrus essential oils.  Its balanced ingredients will energize, fortify and revitalize the body from head to toe!"  When taken regularly, NingXia Red may help prevent against oxidative stress and it may support normal cellular function and eye health.  It's great for all ages!  My kids love it!  I even made ice pops out of NingXia Red!  I'll have to post about that soon.  Talk about a healthy summer treat!

2.  Essential Oils - Once I have a chance to change out of my pajamas, I roll on my Get Up & Go combo of Young Living Essential Oils.  My customized blend is quite invigorating and uses, Orange Essential Oil, Wintergreen Essential Oil and YL's trademarked blend En-R-Gee Essential Oil topped with a carrier oil (I have been using Castor Oil a lot lately).  I apply this combo along the Triple Warmer Meridian, on the Chakras and Organ Reflex and on the Neurovascular and Vitaflex Points for the Thyroid, Pituitary and Adrenal Glands.  Supporting the Thyroid, Pituitary and Adrenal Glands may help to give you the energy you need too!  Depending on the type of day it is, I may apply more than once.  Sometimes I use my Get Up & Go roller 2-3 times throughout the day!

3.  NingXia Nitro - When I'm starting to feel that afternoon slump, or shortly before, I'll have a tube of NingXia Nitro.  Its convenient size makes it great for on the go!  YL states, "Formulated with an exclusive blend of pure essential oils, botanical extracts, and Bioenergy D-Ribose, NingXia Nitro is a great support for body and mind. Naturally occurring caffeine helps increase athletic performance and endurance, boosts energy and provides a daily pick-me up."  This is such a better alternative to chemical & sugar laden energy drinks.  And this works too!  If drinking it straight from the tube is a bit awkward, it can be added to orange juice, or just squeezed into a small glass.

So give these a try the next time your kids force you out of bed before you're ready!  Let me know what you think!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Chemical Free - Boating Season Tips and Tricks 1!!!

Who's planning on boating this summer???  I know we are!!!  4th of July will be here soon!!!  Is YOUR boat ready???
Does anyone still need to clean their boat up from being in storage or sitting for quite a few months??? Or is it already a mess from using it so much this season??? If so, or if you just want to find a great, effective way to keep your boat looking amazing, keep reading!!!
Do you hate dealing with mildew & grime build up on the vinyl interior of your boat??? Did it happen over the winter while it was in storage? Does it build up over the course of the season? Don't you just want it to go away???
WOW!!! Look at these before and after pics of the interior of our fairly well maintained 2003 196 Ski Nautique!!! I used my Scrub a Dub Dub Cleaning Scrub that I made myself in conjunction with my Clean Everything Spray! It took some muscle and time, but it was sooo worth it!!! Bye Bye black mildew stains that we couldn't remove with other typical vinyl cleaning products! Hello shiny & vibrant brand new looking interior!!! This does not look 13 years old!!!
Oh and did I mention that I didn't have to deal with chemical fumes or feeling concerned that the kids wanted to help me? I was a happy cleaner & mom!
Seriously, I am so So SO impressed that I am totally willing to help my fellow boating friends out. And I know that there are a lot of you! Want to know more? Send me a message.
I'm going to be putting together some other tips for boaters as I experiment this summer. Like how to maintain such clean vinyl & how to keep pesky spiders & other unwanted guests out of your boat & more! So keep your eye out more!

(Previously I posted about using Thieves Household Cleaner and I highlighted the ingredients.  Check out THIS post.)

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, April 22, 2016

World Landscape Architecture Month & Earth Day 2016

Happy Earth Day & World Landscape Architecture Month!!! 

This April I am sooo thankful for having discovered all natural wellness & cleaning products straight from the Earth!!! My love of essential oils is perfectly in line with my love of nature and being a Landscape Architect!
(Read more about that in my previous Nature Posts - Growing Up in Nature, Maturing in Nature and Living in Nature

I want everyone to experience the freedom & health & peace of mind that Young Living Essential Oils has given to me! So take advantage of my offer below or send me a message about getting together to learn more about these incredible oils!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Chemical Free! - DIY Toothpaste!

A while back I began investigating fluoride & decided that it just wasn't worth it for me to keep using toothpaste with fluoride. (I encourage you to research it on your own too.) I also began learning about the benefits of coconut oil on your oral health. So when I discovered Young Living Essential Oils, it was natural for me to want to make my own toothpaste! Who knew it was so easy?!?!?!

Here's what I used this time to fill my 1/4 cup jar:
About 4 tablespoons of coconut oil (almost 1/4 cup)
2 tablespoons of baking soda
10 drops of Thieves Essential Oil (to fight all those germs in my mouth)
10 drops of Orange Essential Oil (to help whiten my teeth)
Here's how I did it:
Softened the coconut oil a little (it's winter so it stays harder, but in the warmer months you probably don't have to soften beforehand).
Mix the coconut oil and baking soda together in a small bowl with a fork.
Add the essential oils of your liking and mix well with the fork.
Scoop into the toothpaste into the jar & you're done!
Here's how I use my jar of toothpaste:
Using my toothbrush as the spoon, scoop about a kidney bean size of toothpaste onto your toothbrush.
No need to wet it before brushing.
Brush teeth as normal.
Run plenty of water when spitting to ensure all the stuff gets rinsed down the drain.
Side notes:
It is a bit salty tasting, esp if this is your first time brushing with baking soda! You can always add more coconut oil if you need to tone down the saltiness. But it leaves my teeth feeling smooth & clean all day!
Or YL has a Thieves based toothpaste, but for now I'm liking making my own. Super affordable! And I can play with different flavors!  I have tried Orange and Peppermint before - I really liked the Peppermint, and I've just done Thieves before.  Next time maybe I'll do Thieves and Peppermint! Or maybe I'll try Spearmint or Clove!  So many options!  Especially with the new Young Living Vitality Line of Dietary Essential Oils - its easy to figure out which oils are suitable for ingestion.

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Chemical Free! - Our Favorite Children's Toothpaste!

I love this product so I'm sharing about it!
Have you heard about the negative side effects of fluoride? Are you interested in keeping your kids' teeth healthy without unnecessary chemicals? Did you know that many toothpastes have tiny bits of plastic (AKA Microbeads, AKA polyethylene) in them that can get stuck in gums until the dentist digs them out???
As I became more aware of fluoride, I decided that it just wasn't worth it for my kids to continue using toothpastes with fluoride to brush their teeth. I tried searching for the best kids' toothpastes on the market and just wasn't happy with what I found, until I came across Young Living's KidScents Slique Toothpaste! It's perfect! JD even likes it - as it is not "spicy" at all!!! Now I don't have to worry about fluoride, plastic particles getting stuck in their gums, or any other scary and unnecessary ingredients in my kids toothpaste! And they all enjoy brushing their teeth again!
Since we have 3 children using the toothpaste, I do make sure that we are using only a pea sized amount. More isn't always beneficial and I don't want to waste this goodness!
I'm so thankful that YL carries more than just essential oils!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils and Products?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Chemical Free! - Stress...

So I was at the dermatologist for my annual skin check - we go yearly to check for possible skin cancer spots.  If something were to ever show up I want to catch it as soon as possible!  We got to talking about what I could do for my atopic dermatitis, aka dry skin, aka dandruff.  Then she made a profound statement...

I have pretty much always had skin issues.  I remember as a young child vacationing in Three Lakes, WI and getting this awful, itchy rash all over my torso!  It was so uncomfortable and happened every year that we went up there, which was every year!  In college my skin issues shifted away from my torso and to the inside of my upper arms.  Wearing short sleeves in the warmer/water ski season was unsightly!  Then after having my first child the skin issues spread to my upper legs.  My thighs, bottom and inside of upper arms were a mess and wearing shorts and short sleeves in the warmer weather was embarrassing!  To top it off, my scalp started flaking and my hands would crack and bleed all winter!  Skin issues all year round... 

Believe me when I say that I have tried a lot of things.  Yes, the steroid creams work, but I need to stay on them all the time and you can't when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.  I have since also realized that it is not good to put all those synthetic chemicals on your body.

I've gone through allergy testing and have talked to a dietitian.  I am allergic to a lot of things, but I have also been able to eliminate many of those allergens from my environment.  The dietitian didn't think that my plant-based diet was triggering my skin issues.

So what gives???

My dermatologist agreed that your whole body and all your systems are linked.  So yes, food or allergens that our bodies come into contact with could trigger skin issues.  Leading an overall healthy life by eliminating chemicals from the environment, eating right, exercising regularly and sleeping an appropriate number of hours each night may still leave you with skin issues!  

STRESS may be a major underlying factor to all sorts of ailments!  Everyone's body processes stress differently.  I had never made that connection!  I kept thinking that I could change my diet enough and that would provide me with relief.  Of course that got me thinking - maybe I need to de-stress more!


Using more Stress Away Essential Oil topically and diffusing that and other calming essential oil blends (see graphic above) may help me lower my stress levels too.  I should probably start putting some Stress Away in my water as it can be used as a dietary supplement too!  Since exercise is key in helping to release stress, I also need to focus on getting myself back into shape and taking care of myself.

Instead of turning to topical steroids, I'm going to continue searching for more holistic approaches to managing my atopic dermatitis.  The diffuser will be running more frequently in the rooms where I spend large chunks of time and I'm planning on heading to the local gym!  If nothing else, I'll be healthier, I'll feel better about myself and will be a less stressed mom.  Now the thought of THAT makes me sooo happy!!!

Do you have a favorite stress buster?  If so, please share!

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Let's Learn! - Stress Away Essential Oil!

Ahhh... Just the name itself seems to be relaxing.  And then the scent!  Close your eyes and take a deep breath in while inhaling Young Living's Stress Away Essential Oil.  Do that a few times and things don't seem so bad anymore!

I have done a brief post on Stress Away already - check that out HERE!  This post will go into more detail on the ingredients and other uses of Stress Away Essential Oil!  If you have it, roll some Stress Away on right now or take a minute to enjoy the aroma and then continue reading to learn more!

Stress Away Essential Oil is a proprietary blend created by Young Living.  It is comprised of six different essential oils.  These essential oils work together to encourage relaxation and reduce nervous tension.

Stress Away Essential Oil Blend:

Copaiba (Copaifera reticulata) - Enhances the affects of many other essential oils

Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) - Supports healthy immune system
Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) - Calms
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) -  Calms and supports healthy skin
Ocotea (Ocotea quixos) - Purifying and digestive support
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) - Calms and soothes

Stress Away EO may be used aromatically, topically and as a dietary supplement.  As noted in previous posts, scents trigger the olfactory system and your body responds depending on the aroma.  So it is very beneficial to diffuse essential oils or just take some quick sniffs of them throughout the day.  And, as mentioned above, Stress Away smells glorious and that particular aroma can encourage relaxation and reduce nervous tension.  Topically, Stress Away can be applied to the wrists, behind the ears and to the back of the neck.  This way you don't have to carry your bottle of Stress Away around with you everywhere you go - i mean of course you need to keep it in your purse, diaper bag, computer bag, etc, but you don't need to walk around with a bottle in your hands all day if you are wearing it!  Lovely slight hints of Stress Away make it up to your nose from your wrists or neck area.  Stress Away EO, can even be incorporated into your daily wellness routine!  Add a drop or two to your water or fruit or veggie juice and drink throughout the day and especially after after exercising.  

I personally enjoy using Stress Away to help keep me sane while in public when I know things may get a bit chaotic.  It really does calm me.  I just don't use it enough!!!  Like I wrote about in Stress No More, family time in public is much more enjoyable when I apply Stress Away!  My sister has even used Stress Away to help calm her legs and arms at night to help combat possible restless leg symptoms.  

The 5 ml and 15 ml bottles of Stress Away EO do not need to be diluted with a carrier oil prior to use unless the person has extremely sensitive skin.  Because it does not have to be diluted, a YL roller fitment can be placed directly on the bottle and you can start rolling Stress Away on right away!  Or if you prefer, YL does also sell a Stress Away Roll On which comes in a 10 ml bottle with a roller fitment!  Whichever you decide upon, keep your empty bottles.  Then you can refill them a bit and stash them in the car, within each purse, in your bathroom, at work, etc. so you are never too far from Stress Away when things start to escalate...   

What is your favorite way to use Stress Away Essential Oil?  Or in what situations have you found Stress Away to be helpful?

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Monday, January 11, 2016


Let's keep this short and sweet.  I'm interested in eating healthy and following a mostly vegan diet.  I don't have a lot of time in the mornings as I'm typically rushing around getting children ready for school and preparing for my day - whether it's going to the office, volunteering in one of my children's classrooms or going to the grocery alone!  So - I like to make protein shakes and smoothies to get me through my mornings on the go!  Last Monday, I posted an easy chocolate protein smoothie.  Today, I'm posting A Berry Green Smoothie!

A Berry Green Smoothie
In a 24 oz blender cup add the following:
10 oz bag of frozen organic berries
1 handful of walnuts
1 large Kale leaf, lightly torn and without the stem
1/2 to 1 cup of Almond Milk

Blend until smooth and enjoy!

The addition of leafy greens (spinach, chard, kale, etc) makes a smoothie "green".  Although the smoothie isn't always green in color and you don't even taste the greens!  What a great way to get those very important green leafy vegetables without having to choke down another salad!

I use a lot of Almond Milk these days, but any non-dairy milk would be an acceptable substitute, as would plain old water.  If you aren't concerned about keeping this smoothie vegan, you can add your favorite yogurt or regular milk.  And if everything doesn't seem to blend well enough the first time through, add another 1/4 cup of liquid and blend again.

Have more time of your hands and like buying in bulk?  Purchase your berries separately, wash them and freeze them and add as desired.  I like finding the bags of frozen organic fruits on sale and stocking up - especially when berries are out of season.  Super quick and easy!  The frozen fruit creates a thicker smoothie.  Fresh fruit can be used too, but you may want to add ice and less liquid if a thicker consistency is preferred.  

Feel free to add other fruits, nuts, cocoa powder or protein powder to switch this up!  But overall, this is a solid base for an easy green smoothie.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Nature! - "You Can't Eat Meat and Call Yourself an Environmentalist"

Wow...  That was the quote that really resonated with me when I watched "Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret".  I love the environment!  I am a Registered Landscape Architect with a minor in Natural Resources and Environmental Management who works for an Environmental Consulting Firm!  Landscape Architects are known to be "stewards of the land".  How had I NEVER realized that animal agriculture was so extremely detrimental to our planet???   For the past 10 years I have been trying to save the environment by using native plants on projects and managing stormwater!  Those are both great, but they aren't going to offset the effects of animal agriculture...

If you have not seen the documentary on Netflix, please watch it.  The Cowspiracy website even has a digital copy that you can download for about $5 if you do not have access to Netflix.   If nothing else, it will get you thinking a bit more about the food choices that you make on a daily basis.  Review these statistics and the related sources of information.

Infographic obtained from

My family is making changes because I believe that it is the right thing to do for our environment.  My children love being in nature and exploring and are fascinated by all the creatures on the land, in the water and in the air!  I want to help preserve and protect the environment for my children and future generations!

Think about it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Let's Learn! - Purification Essential Oil!

After the holidays and Christmas/Winter Break, once all the decorations are put away, I'm sure many people are feeling like their house needs a deep cleaning - like it needs to be purified!  I know I've been working on cleaning mine!  I'm ready to start the year off with a clean house and a renewed focus on the health and wellness of my family and myself!

Enter Purification Essential Oil, a trademarked Young Living Essential Oil blend known for it's cleansing properties.  It has a distinct sweet, refreshing scent which deodorizes and neutralizes the air!  Purification EO is made up of six (6) different single essential oils.

Single Essential Oils in Purification EO
Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) oil - respiratory system & bug/insect repellent
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaf oil- immune system & mental clarity
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) oil - immune system & purifying
Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) leaf oil - immune system & cleansing
Lavandin (Lavandula hybrida) oil - cardiovascular system & calming
Myrtle (Myrtus communis) oil - respiratory system & uplifting

In our house, we use Purification EO regularly!  I use it on the wool balls in our dryer to give our laundry that amazing fresh and clean scent - no more chemical laden dryer sheets!  When the children sound like they are hacking up a lung, I diffuse Purification EO in their rooms.  If I feel a blemish coming on, or even after I mess with a blemish, I dab some Purification EO on the spot.  It feels better quickly and begins looking better sooner too.   And for some of those tough smells - burnt food, stale air and wet, dirty kids (or pets is we had them), I use an air freshener with about 10 drops of Purification EO, 2 oz of water and 2 oz of witch hazel, or I diffuse Purification EO.  Goodbye stinkiness!  I'm thankful that this essential oil blend is available in a 15 ml bottle, because the 5 ml bottle that came in my Premium Starter Kit was gone in a flash!

How do you like to use Purification EO?  

(I've heard it's great for stinky gym/sports bags & shoes too!  I'm sure I'll be using that trick as my two active boys grow up!  I can't even imagine what I'm in for!)

Interested in finding out how to get your hands on these Young Living Essential Oils?  Check out my Essential Oils and Monthly Promotions Pages!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Food! - Protein Shake #1!

It is the first full week of 2016!  The holidays are over.  The weekend is over.  Time to get serious again about maintaining a more healthy and sustainable diet!  Now I'm not talking about signing up for some fad diet.  I'm talking about diet in general - the food put into one's body.  Looking for a good place to start?  Start here.  Each week in January I will be posting one protein shake or green smoothie recipe.  Shakes and smoothies can be complicated or simple.  I'll stick to simple for now.  No need to overwhelm you right away!

Protein Shakes and Green Smoothies are a great way to get a lot of the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body needs without having to make a huge meal.  They are pretty quick (especially with some planning ahead) and extremely portable!  I like to vary my shakes and smoothies so that I'm not drinking the same thing every day for a week.  After I spent some time exploring hundreds of recipes, I mainly stick to ones that I know I will like and that are not very complex, or I'll just throw some random fruits and greens together on the fly.  As a mother of three young children, who tries to keep up a blog, work a part-time job at an environmental consulting firm and work at sharing my love for Young Living Essential Oils, I don't have time for complex!!!

Since watching "Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret", I have been minimizing the amount of meat, eggs & dairy we consume.  I also wanted to make sure that I was still eating what my body needs, so I happened across two vegan protein mixes at Sam's Club (Naturade Vegan Smart and Purely Inspired 100% Plant-Based Protein).  I was finding that many Protein mixes had Whey in them, which is a dairy product and therefore I wanted to stay away from Whey.  I was also looking to stay away from Soy, as I get plenty of soy in other parts of my plant-based diet.  To my surprise, both of these Protein mixes are Vegan as well as Soy and Gluten Free!  I regularly mix one of these up in the morning for my breakfast, especially if I'm hustling out the door to get kids to school and me to work or an appointment.  

The recipe that I'm posting uses the Purely Inspired 100% Plant-Based Protein - chocolate!!!  Chocolate and good for you???  Get out!  Below I'll show you just how easy and quick it is to make a protein shake using this protein powder mix and I'll also mention a couple easy ways to add some variety to shakes using Purely Inspired Chocolate Protein.

Before you get started, it is important to have a blender that can blend/puree ice and other frozen fruits and veggies as well as fresh greens (spinach, kale, chard, etc).  After reading too many reviews, checking out the items in person and thinking of how the blender will fit my lifestyle, I finally settled on The Nutri Ninja - Ninja Blender Duo with Auto iQ.  It's pretty awesome and fast, especially when I use the appropriate amount of liquid!  Do your research!  There are a lot out there at all different price ranges too!

Chocolate Protein Nutritional Shake Recipe - Basic
Use a  16 oz blender bottle/cup/container
Fill about 1/3 to 1/2 with ice cubes
1 scoop of the Chocolate Protein Powder
Add about 8 oz of Water or your favorite Unsweetened Non-Dairy Milk (I use a lot of Almond Milk).
Mix/Blend on Blender until smooth.

The Ice makes it thicker and keeps it colder longer.

Add-In Options
1 Chopped Banana (frozen or fresh)
1/2 of the flesh of one Avocado
1/4 Cup of Walnuts
1 large Shredded Kale Leaf (Now it's a Green Smoothie!)
Any Combination of the Add-In Options
All of the above!

(I apologize for the video with the huge watermark!  I'm still learning!  I guess my videos need to be quite a bit less than 6 minutes in order to have a nice seamless transition from my phone to blog!)

What is your favorite Protein Shake Mix and Recipe???  I'd love to try some new blends in 2016!